Thursday, 17 December 2015

a thought

i normally have very neutral views on controversial issues, be it politics, religion, foreign affairs. 

but, seriously. 

some people, claim to know god (be it whatever their religion may be). they profess to know god, to abide by god, yet their very actions, seem to make me wonder what kind of god they believe in. seriously, they preach and claim to be the very best of man kind because they are religious. yet the very essence of rudeness flows in their veins. the very essence of bad intention, the explicit intention to hurt someone flows in their blood. this really begs the question what kind of god they believe in - one that preaches rudeness and bad intention. 

i have flaws. i don't claim to be perfect. but i do not hide behind the veil of religion.  i do not claim to be a better person, because of religion. nor do i discriminate against others who are of other religions, or better yet do not believe in any religion. 

somehow, these people are perfect and right because of their religion. somehow, we are all lesser beings because we are not of their religion. 

they come and tell us they are better people than us, because whatever ill intentions they have is acting in the name of god.

if i am being polite, this is the view of the confused. if i am being direct, this is the view of the uneducated. 

i believe all religions do not encourage ill-intentions. 

so if you have ill-intentions, you're just not religious enough. don't be the pot that calls the kettle black then. 

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