Monday, 4 May 2015

pre-run jitters

i've run many runs but still the pre-run jitters gets me every single time. i have a big race coming up this weekend. but honestly, the week has been a slow one for me. 

from eating, to sleeping, to running, to life in itself, everything that could possibly go wrong seems to have gone wrong. what else could go wrong. 

emotionally - not in the mood to be able to perform. physically - unprepared to run. 

a friend texted me, 'u seemed okay just now' 

and of course, i will continue to seem okay. pretense is so powerful, it clouds your judgment between black and white, reality and fantasy, truth and lie. 

i would say im hoping for a good run this weekend, but hoping without putting in effort is of no use. then again what can i do in 4 days? the dilemma. 


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