Tuesday, 5 May 2015

400m x 20 training

after the long weekend, i was looking forward to speed training. and on the menu yester-day was 400m x 20, split into 5 x 4. the 400m intervals were at 2m20s, and between each set we get a 3 minute rest. 

i died-ed. that's wad a long weekend with way too much eating does to you. hehe. wad to do, i'm a foodie at heart. 

my timings were all over the place ranging from 126 - 139. i was hoping to go for a below 125 on my last lap but only managed 127 on the final lap. 

well, sometimes we have good days, sometimes we don't. i was slightly sad over my performance. well just have to try harder next time. 

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