Friday, 8 April 2016

coming soon

running has always been something i've been passionate about. it is my comfort zone. everyone has their to-go-to. it could be that greentea kitkat, it could be that rum and raisin ice-cream, it could be that whiskey on the rocks, it could be that guiness stout cake, for me, of course i have my tiramissu, my hojicha ice-cream, but at the top of my list, running has never been knocked down the top spot. 

i love the speed. i love the runners high. 

but we all have our ups and downs. come february, it would be such that my running took a slight downturn. and when it did, it became a source of stress. it was pretty ironic that  my tool of distressing, would be in itself stressful. it became a viscous cycle. 

the month of march was a slow one for me. it would come as a surprise to myself, despite the slow (in comparison to what i can do) timings, i did manage to place in a couple of races. i am still very thankful for that. 

it's not something easy to come out of. but i believe, what does not kill you makes you stronger. 

watch this space, because, i'll be back. better, faster. 

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