Wednesday, 27 April 2016

spot me

can u find me on the newspaper today? major congratulations to all winners. 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

100plus outrunner 2016

this race holds great significance for me. last year, this race was my very first podium top 3 finish. i came in 1st runner up back then. so of course, i had more the reason, with such significance at stkae, to come back and hopefully relive the great memories. 

this would be my first race in my brand new mizuno wave emperor. i'm sure all runners know the saying, don't run in anything new on race-day. thankfully, this shoe needed no breaking in. i loved the light feel of it, it worked great for me. i had zero-issues. 

managed to come in first for the day. super duper happy about that. 

also major congratulations to the other flying lim for coming in first in the men open, with an amazing time to boast for, june for coming in 2nd runner up, and coach who came in 4th runner up. 

congrats to jessica and june. 

when mizuno singapore meets mizuno malaysia

i have got to thank world of sports for the great support in my running journey. and many thanks to mizuno for coming aboard my running journey. i look forward to great things together. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

pangkor international run

this would become a trip of many firsts. 

my first trip to pangkor island. my first island race-cation. my first time i walked during a 10km run. my first time i walked, twice, during a 10km run. 

yeah, and i also managed to score my personal worst for a 10 kilometre run - a whopping 53 minutes (now go ahead and laugh). that's what lack of training does to you. and you know when you get frustrated because of a bad timimg, so eager to train again because you know you can do so much better, yet you are down with a nagging injury, why hello there, i feel you. my left side of my lowerback is experiencing a nerve problem. yes, ouch. i've had it before my hululangat trail run, and it kinda got worse after the race. 

so its coming to almost a month now, since i got it from the spartan race. it's high time i visited a proper doctor. 

anyways, i was lucky enough to come in 2nd in the women's open category for the pangkor international run. it was a great trip up pangkor, with the ever so supportive hrc mates. 

congratulations to all of us, we all managed to secure top 3 spots. 

of course the feasting on the seafood was almost the best part of the trip. 

oh and i fell completely sick post-pangkor. i was in bed till tuesday. the fever hit me. i think it must have been the dehydrating weather lately. so please everybody, remember to hydrate. don't end up like me. 


i regret to announce that i am no longer a salomon sponsored athlete/ambassador. i thank salomon malaysia for all the support i have received thus far. it was a blast working together with salomon. salomon has played a great part in my running journey thus far. thank you for the support towards my achievements.

Friday, 8 April 2016

coming soon

running has always been something i've been passionate about. it is my comfort zone. everyone has their to-go-to. it could be that greentea kitkat, it could be that rum and raisin ice-cream, it could be that whiskey on the rocks, it could be that guiness stout cake, for me, of course i have my tiramissu, my hojicha ice-cream, but at the top of my list, running has never been knocked down the top spot. 

i love the speed. i love the runners high. 

but we all have our ups and downs. come february, it would be such that my running took a slight downturn. and when it did, it became a source of stress. it was pretty ironic that  my tool of distressing, would be in itself stressful. it became a viscous cycle. 

the month of march was a slow one for me. it would come as a surprise to myself, despite the slow (in comparison to what i can do) timings, i did manage to place in a couple of races. i am still very thankful for that. 

it's not something easy to come out of. but i believe, what does not kill you makes you stronger. 

watch this space, because, i'll be back. better, faster.