Friday, 26 June 2015


the worst nightmare for any athlete is being injured. that pain of not being able to run surpasses the physical pain i experience. 

laying off from running, yet seeing everyone else run, it makes me treasure injury-free times so so much. often people take lightly the significance of injury prevention. that is something i will not take lightly. 

there's always the 'i can go for a massage tomorrow' or the 'hmm, forgot to buy ice to ice my legs, i'll do it tomorrow, or, maybe the next day.' or the 'no time for stretching!' 

when i heal, i will definitely put in more effort to take care of my legs. 

i need to heal by parxi this sunday. birthday luck, please work now! 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

400m x 50 laps training.

i did question whether i would be able to complete 50 laps. cmon the most i have done was 400m x 20. this kinda raises the bar super high. 

at lap 17 or 18, i went to zane and said to him, i really feel like giving up. i really did. in my mind i was thinking, i feel like dying already, and i have what, another 32 laps to go? seriously? 

i still continued, because i didn't want to be one of the first people to give up, no face mar right haha. so i tried to persevere and hold on. tried being the key word. oh and did i mention that my ankle is still not healed. so that kinda made it even easier and gave me more reason to give up. so i started counting down by the fives. i go by 5 laps to go, 4 laps to go, 3 more, 2 more okay cmon last one. that eased me mentally, slightly. and before i knew it, i was at 40, with only coach, darren and myself left. 

mucho gracias to zane who got me much needed cold 100 plus. he got it for me at lap 36 but i was only given it at lap 40 as a reward, for attaining 40 laps. 10 more to go, another 4 more km, it was a no brainer, i'd kick myself if i failed to complete the sets. with 5 more laps left, our spirits soared high. suddenly super semangat to run the 5 sets, because couldn't wait to say i completed 20 laps hehe. 

and we managed it. 400m x 50 laps. 

at first i was excited, then i was nervous, then, i realized how sadistic it was, then, i was super uber happy that i completed. that i was able to complete it. definitely glad. 

never in my life have i looped a track that many times. there's always a first for everything, right. haha. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

blood donor fun run 5.2km

i was actually super eggcited to run having not raced for 6 weeks but for my ankle problem. i prepped for race and went to bed early. and of course hoped for a miracle that my bad ankle would go away. 

my alarm rang. i jumped out of bed, to a still hurting ankle as if that weren't bad enough, also to the sound of rain. i had my alarm set for 530, race flagoff was at 730 so i was pretty confident that the rain would stop by then. so i didn't pack my hoodie. wrong choice. 

location of the race was in taman tasik titiwangsa. ate my moolabar for breakfast, parked and tried to look for a toilet, to no avail. seemingly, everything was going wrong for me. the rain did not stop. i was pretty much drenched. and cold. and needed to use the toilet. under pressing circumstances, i had to use the mobile toilets, which i always try not to use. flagoff was late, and i was hungry again. i get hungry pretty easily. thankfully i packed an extra moolabar, so i took another one just before the race. 

the race was a 5.2km race, which constituted 2 loops around the titiwangsa lake. the problem was, we had to run on the pavements and tiled surfaces. i love my shoes. they are really good on road, on the pavements, especially splashing through the water - they worked perfectly for me. the one part they didn't work so great was on the tiled surfaces. the grip was not too good on tiled surfaces. so i had to slow down on those parts. but other than that, perfect! 

i was leading on the first loop, i ran a comfortable pace. but on the second loop, i was overtaken. i felt like i could not push either. so i came in 2nd in the women open category. congratulations to don who placed 3rd, jaishaan who placed 2nd as well and zane who placed 5th. it was splendid to race alongside my hrc running mates. they really give you the support and encouragement you need. and of course, them being there at the finishing line, is really the icing on the cake. the cherry on top for this race would definitely be that our coach took the time out to come watch us race. 

oh and i won a hamper from the lucky draw. maybe because everyone went back already - haha! but its kinda my first time being lucky hehehe. 

okay so that makes the final race before the puasa season making it a raceless 4 weeks ahead. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

ankle please heal, now!

after missing training for a week, i was super excited to make my return. 

sadly, my ankle started acting up. i touched down on wednesday. on thursday, my ankle started hurting. its been a week already, and it has not gotten any better. 

on tuesday, the gang did a 20 minute hard run followed by 300m x 15, whilst, i just watched. yes, i just watched. i was not allowed to run. i was super envious and jealous watching them run. sigh. the agony was really bad for me. 

wednesday as well. zane got to run. i didn't. the envy continued. and in the evening, i didn't get to run as well. 

le sigh. seriously, the agony. 

dear ankle, please heal, now! even if not now, in the next 5 minutes, please! because i miss running so so much! 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

15 minute tempo run part 2

we did another tempo run. 

i managed to hit the 3.6km target this time in 15 minutes. in the midst also managing my 3km pb, this time of 12m 17 seconds. after the 3km mark, i felt like puking so bad. i could feel my pace slowing down drastically for the last 600m. too fast in the beginning. my firstkm was under 3min 50 seconds - way too fast. next time im going to try to slow down, hopefully i can last longer then, with a last kick. 

next time, i will try to hit 3.65km. like i said, stronger and faster. 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

i run china, because that's the best way to see it.

i'm a weird person. for someone like me, the best way to travel and explore a city, is on foot. 

naturally, my first instinct when i see a nice path, or a place with mesmerizing scenery is - i'd love to run that. i try to get up before everyone else is awake, so my running doesn't affect everyone else's holiday schedule, and complete my run before everyone gets up. and so, that's the story of my trip to china. 

when in hangzhou, run westlake. the circumference of the lake is 15km, yes i did my research. i was also told by our tourguide that it's safe to run westlake, because of course i didn't wannt get robbed whilst running. so off i went to do a loop around westlake. the sun rose early as it was summer in the zhejiang region of china. and throughout the entire run, there was people around. 

ask why it's nice to run westlake? 

1. it's nice because at the crack of dawn, there really isn't much tourists around. go a little later and every shot and every frame your camera captures will be filled with people, lots of people. you see westlake in a more relaxing manner.

2. you get to see the entire westlake. the scenery is different at different points of westlake. the first photo looked like hyde park in london to me. but in the second picture, it looks so different, as though a completely utterly different place from the first. 

3. and my favourite - is watching the locals do their thing - their morning routine. you see some people cycling, some tap dancing, some doing taichi, some brisk walking, some walking their dogs, i like watching them do these little things. i feel like that's the best way to see, explore and experience a city. 

when in wuzhen, seriously you can run non stop in the town. one loop around the small wuzhen town is about 2.3km ish. i did about 4 loops and i was not bored at all. wuzhen is really the eastern venice - too pretty. running along the alleyways, was an unforgettable experience. 

1. like i said, i like seeing how the locals do their thing. on my first loop, i saw them opening their shops. on my second loop. i saw some starting the fire using charcoal, some cleaning the tables, all doing their thing. on the third loop, i saw more workers walking to work and all. 

2. the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. i felt like i was in a different world - okay maybe i was. but i really felt like i could do 20 loops and still be amazed by the place. 

when in shanghai, shanghai didn't manage to show me what it had to offer. for one, the park near where i stayed which was the french village was somewhat small. i could walk it in 30 seconds, so running it would not have been an option. i wanted to run the streets but shanghai is a real busy city and the driving direction is opposite so i didn't want to risk my life. plus i had a flight to catch so unfortunately i could not run shanghai. it's okay, shanghai, i'll be be back to run you. 

and of course, why the best way to see a city is to run it. because - you can eat more. you can eat more of the local food there =p 

thank you china. i'll be back to run you. some day.