Monday, 15 December 2014

Allianz 4x3km relay

I was lucky enough to have met Agnes last month. I have not been to MPSJ in months. I go there once in a  something rarer than a blue moon. So happened that the one time I decided to go to MPSJ, Agnes came up to me and invited me to do a time trial for this relay event. One thing lead to another, and I was registered for this event.

I have not done relays since high school, so this event for me was a much anticipated event, yet at the same time a nerve-wrecking one.

Relays are different from solo events. For relay events -  there is an element of pressure to it. There is an element of not wanting to bring your team mates down.

I was very lucky to meet new people and have new friends as my teammates. Meet my team, Voon Ying, Carol, En Zhen and myself. We managed to place 1st in the Under 26 team and place 3rd overall.

I have so many people I would like to thank for this. Firstly, of course my team mates. They did one heck of a great job.  A major thanks to Voon Ying for turning back to pace me and encourage me during my section of the run. A big thanks go to Agnes for having spotted me, hence allowing me this opportunity to meet new people and have this wonderful experience. Thanks to Ronnie for coordinating  our team and helping us with the collection of our race packs. Thanks to the Pace Setter Athletics Club for giving me the opportunity to run this race. A major surprise was seeing Alex at the race. Definitely have got to thank Alex for cheering and also taking photos. Lastly, to those who cheered for me and supported me, whether during the race or when I was trying to train for it, a huge thank you.

Our first runner back from her leg, passing the baton on to carol

out of breath after running my leg of the race

subang represent 

photo credits to alex

photo credits, also to alex

Now, to reveal a little secret: there was only 5 teams in the Under 26 Category. Technically, if we walked the entire race, we would still place 4th runner up. We thought that was major funny.  

and this was the entire pace setter running team for the day. congratulations and good job everybody.

I’m on a break next week – no running events. Time to shop for some new running gear.  

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