on a side note, happy deepavali everybody. i too celebrate it every year, by eating lots of muruku, lots might even be an understatement. im a huge fan of muruku. i had so much muruku today. and pasta. and cake. and chocolate.
what's a tabata workout you ask? tabata is a form of high intensity interval workout. it is 20 seconds of an intense workout followed by a 10 second rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes, making 8 rounds.i did a round of boxjumps and a round of leg raises. then i practised some pullups.
then, it started to rain. le sigh. but i'm glad i got to sweat a little. although it definitely did not justify my food intake today haha but it was still something.
so if you only have a short limited time to workout, you can always go tabata. it works with squats, pushups, pullups, you name it. just go as many reps as possible in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. repeat this for 8 cycles. and watch yourself sweat bucketloads.
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