Sunday, 22 November 2015

pbim 2015

this year, i joined the half marathon for the APBIM 2015.

i managed to come in 8th for best malaysian women category. i'm not a 21km runner so, the results was quite satisfactory for me. the last time i did a long run, was ages ago. so, i could feel my legs failing on me 15km in. 

of course, when you go to penang, you can't miss out on the penang food. so we had our share of penang white curry mee, chicken rice, dimsum, penang lo bak, penang hokkien mee, chicken wings, o-jien, asam laksa, seriously we run for less than 2 hours, eat for, three times longer than that. 

anyways, this marks the end of my competitive running for the year 2015. 

now time to take that well-deserved rest. nurse my injuries. and get fat.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

EE Run 2015

talk about downtime for us runners - the string of cancellation of running events have caused frustration amongst us runners. from the haze, to the rain, to the i have no idea why running events are still being cancelled/postponed? so when i heard about the pemadam race postponement, i frantically searched for events to join.

i found out that ipoh was still open for registration. i was not too keen on going up to ipoh because i have another roadtrip the following weekend. i also stumbled upon the ee run, but it was already closed for registration. so really having this urge to race, and after much hesitation, i signed up for the ipoh run. but it was then, i also found out that ee run still accepted manual registration. so thus, was the birth of my unintentional accidental last minute back to back race weekend. and of course, when i do something crazy like this, well i can't do it alone right. because twice the crazy, twice the joy, twice the fun. so i dragged sinyee along for our back-to-back weekend.


the three of us got there, i would say, not early enough. we hit the toilets (it was like an elite gathering in the bathroom), put on our shoes, and before we even got to warmup, people were already heading to the startline. i'm always never early enough for races. aiks. i tried to squeeze my way to the front, but i didn't manage to get to the ultimate front of the pack. so i just nervously stood there and waited for flagoff.

i have never liked the putrajaya running route. it's not exactly hilly, but it's not exactly flat either. i mean i guess i don't hate it as much as the double hill route, but i don't like this route either.

coach said he would pace me, as his training to gain his mileage, but it was more of, i didn't really care what pace he was running at, i just ran my own pace haha. i'm always super tired towards the end of the race, so it was nice having someone to mentally push you. at times, when you feel like slowing down, that extra mental push, is really nice. and the main objective of course is to have the post-mortem. that's how to get better right.

well, alls well that ends well. i managed to come in 1st runner up. sinyee managed to come in 8th. and coach came in 10th. he was major surprised when he got a tag too. he was super surprised it was so funny. we all managed to get something - so it was great for the three of us. it was a great day, reaping great returns for us. i think we all couldn't stop smiling the whole day. it always just makes things better when everybody gets something together.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

puma nightMARE run 2015

i think, never has a race gone so wrong for me.

1. so, apparently the race cancelled. 

cancelling the race would have definitely been the right decision. i felt like i was risking my life haha. but cancelling the race without informing the runners, is pretty unacceptable?

well, we weren't informed of this at all. we ran the entire route, not knowing the race was cancelled. what is the point of cancelling a race, when no-one knows it is cancelled? apparently the race was cancelled 15-20 minutes after flag-off. which would mean, upon passing the first water station, we could have been notified that the race was off. of course, i made a conscious decision to continue running despite the lightning. but this was a decision made without considering all facts, since i was not provided with all facts.

2. so, when the race was cancelled, apparently the marshals job was cancelled too? - because we could all find our own way back right? a couple of us ran more than 12km. we ran an entire loop around the mall, not knowing where the finishing point was.

3. and even worse, because there were no marshals, we had to dodge cars as well. there was no-one controlling traffic.

4. i heard there were issues with baggage collection. thankfully i did not drop by bag there. my friends had to wait over an hour for their bags. apparently it was distributed, auction style - with number tags being called out one at a time.

but i have to say, pre-disaster, everything else was pretty good. it would have been a good race, but for the disaster.

but of course, in all things bad, there will be something good - the yin and yang of life right. i managed to pb my 10km and 12km surprisingly despite the rain. maybe i do run better in rain. i did manage a good run in.